Kilkenny City Vocational School


First Year English classes have been working on creative writing and story telling. Below Students have created their own graphic stories inspired by "The Visitor"

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Wolf Walkers

Great day out today with first years to see “Wolfwalkers” in the Water-Gate theatre 🎭. Special thanks to @familylearningkcetb for organising as part of their “One book, One film” programme 🙌🤩#cartoonsaloon #kcetb #excellenceineducation

1st Year english newspaper.

Our first and second year groups have been busy focussing on reading for fun and also reading novels in class. Wolf Walkers is the graphic novel being studied in first year while the second years read an excellent novel by Andy Muliigan "Trash". This novel looks at themes such as corruption and poverty and has created much debate in the classroom.

Niall de Burca creative writing

Our senior cycle students have been working hard on the Leaving Cert Paper 1. As part of the work being covered KCVS had a visit from Niall de Burca who gave our senior cycle students workshops on how to address the creative writing section of Paper 1 which is worth a whopping 50% of Paper 1.

New Street, Kilkenny
056 7722468
Kilkenny & Carlow ETB
© 2025 Kilkenny City Vocational School