Kilkenny City Vocational School

Big Brother, Big Sister

Kilkenny City Vocational School is operating a school based mentoring programme called Foróige’s Big Brother Big Sister school programme.

The programme aims to match a junior cycle student with a senior cycle student. The purpose of the match is that the two students will develop a friendly and positive relationship. This will support the junior cycle student in their school life. It will also give the senior cycle student a chance to develop their leadership skills and contribute to the school community.

This programme is being facilitated by KCVS and Foroige Mentoring. The Big Brother Big Sister Programme is an initiative hosted by Foróige, Ireland’s leading National Youth Development Organisation. School staff, trained by Foróige personnel, will facilitate the programme.

We have kickstarted the programme here in KCVS and it is going extremely well. Take a look at the pictures and videos from our journey so far.

Bowling Big Brother

New Street, Kilkenny
056 7722468
Kilkenny & Carlow ETB
© 2025 Kilkenny City Vocational School