Kilkenny City Vocational School

Leaving Certificate

Leaving Certificate in Kilkenny City Vocational School


The Senior Cycle Programme at Kilkenny City Vocational School is two years in duration. We offer a broad range of subjects at both Higher and Ordinary levels in an effort to ensure that all students maximise their potential to achieve. We meet with every student to make certain that their choice of programme, including core and optional subjects, meets their potential and their own specific needs, interests and ambitions. We will advise students and their guardians on the best combination of subjects, particularly to guarantee the optimum choice when it comes to progression to work, or further and higher education.

Leaving Certificate Subjects

All students study a Core Programme including:


Religious Education


Physical Education


Career Guidance

The core programme also includes specific workshop sessions on personal safety, health, and study skills.

In addition, students have to opportunity to study up to five of the following Subjects Options:


Engineering (Metal)

Design and Communications Graphics

Home Economics


Politics & Society

Construction Studies (Wood)








Subject choice video created by Ms. O'Donovan:

(The school make every effort to accommodate individual requests)


  • We apply a combination of written assessments and standardised testing
  • The established Leaving Certificate is assessed through a written examination at the end of the 2-year programme. There are practical examinations and project work in certain subjects, such as Art, Construction Studies and Engineering. There are oral examinations in Irish and continental languages. The practical and oral tests take place during the final year of the programme. The written examination is held in June of sixth year.
  • School assessments will take place throughout the two year programme, including pre ~ Leaving Certificate exams in February of sixth year

Standardised Testing

  • PASS test - Pupils attitudes to self and school. This explores student’s thoughts and feelings as potential obstacles to attainment

New Street, Kilkenny
056 7722468
Kilkenny & Carlow ETB
© 2025 Kilkenny City Vocational School