Kilkenny City Vocational School

Principal's Welcome

Principals Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to our website. I hope it helps you learn more about our school, its students and the wider Kilkenny City Vocational School Community.

We in KCVS are resolute in ensuring that a high-quality, enabling, caring and inclusive learning environment is provided for all our students

Our recent Inspection Reports (MLL 2017 and Guidance 2019) describe exemplary practices in teaching, learning and student support.

Key Findings (MLL 2017)

  • Management is highly effective in progressing positive changes in the school through a proactive partnership approach that enables student learning to occur within a holistic environment.
  • Teachers are exceptionally committed and work diligently to provide a high level of care and support for students.
  • The quality of teaching and learning in the school is very good.
  • Student behavior as observed during the evaluation was exemplary, students presented as courteous and engaged learners and were respectful to their teachers and each other. The social atmosphere was warm and friendly.
  • The culture in the school is one of self-evaluation, consultation, improvement collaboration, innovation and creativity in teaching, learning and student support.

A further report by the DES Inspectorate (Guidance) in 2019 highlighted the following:

Key Findings (Guidance 2019)

  • The quality of teaching and learning and assessment is of a very high standard with a commendable level of embedded literacy, numeracy and highly effective teaching and learning practices.
  • Overall provision and whole-school support is highly commendable.
  • Student support structures and systems are exemplary
  • Year Heads are effectively leading the academic monitoring system: students self-assess their academic progress and set targets at frequent intervals.
  • The culture in the school is one of improvement and innovation through self-evaluation and teamwork, and is highly commendable.
  • Guidance Provision and planning in the school is of such a high standard that there are no key recommendations.

These reports written by Department Inspections give an objective insight into policy and highly effective practice in KCVS which enables students to achieve their academic potential.

We as a staff however are aware that education is concerned with far more than outstanding examination results. We pride ourselves in KCVS on how each student is cared for, helped explore their unique talent and gifts and made feel they are part of a community that recognises and celebrates achievement in many different fields. Our curriculum extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. We endeavor to support students in becoming self-confident, inquiring, independent, tolerant young men and women who respect the differences of others and have a strong sense of self.

I hope you enjoy visiting our website and as you browse through it you will discover an open inclusive vibrant school community where every student is valued and facilitated in reaching their full potential.



Principal, KCVS

New Street, Kilkenny
056 7722468
Kilkenny & Carlow ETB
© 2025 Kilkenny City Vocational School