Kilkenny City Vocational School

School Self Evaluation

School Self Evaluation (SSE)

School Self Evaluation (SSE) is a process that schools all over the country engage in. It is a “collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review”.

The process of School Self Evaluation involves gathering information from a range of sources about the quality of teaching and learning in our school, and then making decisions. It culminates in the development of a School Improvement Plan which sets targets for improvement in certain areas. The guiding framework for the SSE process is a document called 'Looking at Our School (LAOS) 2022, A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools' which you can find below.

The ultimate purpose of SSE is to improve the quality of learning in schools.



SSE Area of Focus

LAOS 22-26

SSE End of Year Review - May 2023

New Street, Kilkenny
056 7722468
Kilkenny & Carlow ETB
© 2025 Kilkenny City Vocational School